George & George, LTD.

Articles by James A. George:
  • "Mentoring First-Day Law Students in Professionalism and Civility: The LSBA Law School Orientation Programs" La. B.J. Vol 52, No.1, Pg.29-30 (2004)
  • "Mentoring First-Day Law Students in Professionalism and Civility" Voir Dire, a publication of the American Board of Trial Advocates, Vol II, Issue 3, Fall 2004, pgs 24-26
  • "Can We Be Civil.....Please? @ Voir Dire, a publication of the American Board of Trial Advocates, Winter 2002, Page 8.
  • "From Atticus Finch, Esq. to Rambo in a few Decades: Why We Need the Professionalism Hour @ Around the Bar, a publication of the Baton Rouge Bar Association, May 2002, Page 14 (2002).
  • "The>Rambo=Problem: Is Mandatory CLE the Way Back to Atticus?@, 62 La. L.Rev. 467 (2002).
  • "When Is A Watercraft A Vessel", TRIAL Magazine, July 1999 Issue, 74 (1999)
  • "The Kumho Tire Company Expansion of Daubert to Non-Scientific Opinion Testimony", 6 VOIR DIRE 17 (1999)
  • "A Lawyer's Dilemma: To Lend or Not to Lend?", 46 La. Bar Journal 329 (1998) " Welcoming the New Inn of Court, @ Southern University Law School
  • Journal, October, 1995.AThe American Inns of Court in Louisiana B>The Quiet Crusade=is Getting Louder and Stronger,@Louisiana Bar Journal, Vol 43,
  • No.1, June, 1995.ARecoverable Damages in Admiralty and Maritime Law Cases, @ TRIAL, May, 1995.
  • "The Current State of the Jones Act Remedy," Voir Dire, a publication of the Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association, 1994
  • "Damages in the Wake of Miles," Annual Convention Paper, 1992
  • "The American Inns of Court B>A Quiet Crusade Whose Time Has Come,=@ Louisiana Bar Journal, Vol. 40, No.1, June, 1992.
  • "Triple Crown of Admiralty," Trial Magazine, Oct. 1991 Issue
  • "The Fifth Circuit View on Crew Membership and Maritime Contracts," Maritime Law Reporter, Vol. 3, No. 6, 1991
  • "Some Thoughts on Wilander v. McDermott International, Inc.," Maritime Law Reporter, Vol. 3, No. 6, 1991
  • "Wilander - - Light at the End of the Labyrinth," Tulane Maritime Law Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, Fall 1991
  • "Legal Consequences of Coast Guard Regulation Violation," Seminar Paper, 1989
  • Rule 26(g): The "Undiscovered Rule," Trial, August 1988
  • A Plea for Civility, @ TRIAL, May 1988.
  • "A Brief Review of Selected Areas of Admiralty and Maritime Law," the Trial Lawyers Forum, Summer 1986
  • "Punitive Damages: A Developing Change in the law of Admiralty, @ TRIAL, February, 1986.
  • "Remedies of Platform Workers in State Waters," Annual Convention Paper, 1985
  • "Washington Metropolitan Sea Transit Authority v. Johnson: The Negative Impact of A Recent Supreme Court Decision on Stationary Offshore Platform Litigation," Voir Dire, Vol. 9, No. 3, August 1984
  • Co-Author: "The Courts and Inflation - Two Case Studies: Pheifer and Culver II," Trial, Vol. 20, No. 78, July 1984
  • "Recent Developments in Admiralty," Annual Meeting of the Mississippi State Bar Association, June 1984
  • "Inflation: Where is its Place in the Damages Equation, @ The Brief, Vo. 13, No.1, November, 1983.
  • Contributing Author: AThe Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit, A Handbook of Basic Trial Advocacy, @ Second Edition, The association of Trial Lawyers of America Education Fund.
  • "Maritime Tort Jurisdiction: A Survey of Developments From Executive Jet to Foremost Insurance Co. v. Richardson," South Texas Law Journal, Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer, 1983
  • "The Fifth Circuit Moves Toward Adoption of Strict Liability in the General Maritime Law," Trial Lawyers Forum, Vol. 17, No. 3, January-March, 1983
  • "Admiralty Jurisdiction: Executive Jet Through Foremost Insurance Company v. Richardson," Published, The Louisiana Bar Journal, Vol. 30, No. 4, December 1982, Reprinted, Law Practice Notes, a Publication of the American Bar Association (Supplement of Spring 1983 issue of Barrister Magazine Vol. 10, No. 2, August 1983) Reprinted, Trial Lawyers Forum, a Publication of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, August 1983 and Reprinted, The Arkansas Lawyer, a Publication of the Arkansas Bar Association, September 1983 and January 1984
  • "Analysis: Culver v. Slater Boat Co., et al," Published in the Forum, a Publication of the Journal of the Section on Insurance, Negligence, Compensation and Admiralty Law of the Louisiana State Bar Association, Vol. 15, No. 1, Fall, 1982
  • "Maritime Products Liability - - The Fifth Circuit Moves Toward Adoption of Strict Liability in the General Maritime Law," Voir Dire, Summer, 1982
  • "A Brief Review of Recent Developments Affecting Seamen's Actions - - Offshore and Inland Waters," 27 Louisiana Bar Journal 4, March 1980, reprinted in Vol. 18, No. 1, page 5, Law Notes for the General Practitioner, Winter, 1982, a publication of the Section of General Practice, American Bar Association
  • "Swept Away: Damages Recoverable for Wrongful Death at Sea," Trial, Vol. 17, No. 9, September 1981
  • "The Reach of Admiralty Jurisdiction - - A Brief Survey of Recent Decisions," The Mississippi Lawyer, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, November-December 1980
  • "A Brief Review of Developments Affecting Admiralty Jurisdiction," Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Journal (INCL Journal), New York State Bar Association, December 1980
  • "Products Liability at Sea," Trial Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 11, November 1980
  • "LHWCA: Developing a Maritime Standard of Care," Vol. 16, No. 9, Trial - the National Legal News Magazine, September 1980
  • "A Brief Review of the Law Governing Maritime Wrongful Death Actions Occurring on Inland Waters," The Arkansas Lawyer, April 1980
  • "The Content of the Negligence Action by Longshoremen against Shipowners under the 1972 Amendments to the Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Compensation Act - - A Postscript," 11 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 2, January 1980
  • "Personal Injury and Wrongful Death - - Application of Maritime Law Principles to Inland Waterways and Offshore Drilling Operations - - A Review of Jurisdiction, Status Problems, and Remedies," 15 Tulsa Law Journal 1, 1979
  • "Pleasure Boats, Swimmers and Water Skiers - - Recreational Accidents on Navigable Inland Waters," The Arkansas Lawyer, October 1979
  • "The Content of the Negligence Action by Longshoremen against Shipowners under the 1972 Amendments to the Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Compensation Act," 11 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 1, 1979
  • "The Jones Act," 5 Voir Dire 5, September, October 1979
  • "The Content of the Negligence Action by Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Compensation Act," 25 Louisiana Bar Journal 15, June 1977
  • "Strict Liability in TortBWill the Weber Rule be Extended to Non-Manufacturers?,@ 23 Louisiana Bar Journal 191, November 1975.
  • "An Analysis of the Maritime Wrongful Death Action Under Moragne," Defense Memo, For the Defense, October 1973
  • "Wrongful Death and Survival Actions Under the General Maritime Law: Pre-Harrisburg through Post-Moragne," Vol. 4, Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce 1, October 1972
  • Co-author: "Recent Developments in Maritime Wrongful Death Since Moragne," 20 Louisiana Bar Journal 201, 1972
  • "Ship's Liability to Longshoremen Based Upon Unseaworthiness - - Sieracki through Usner," Vol. 19, Louisiana Bar Journal 111, 1971
  • "Injuries to Longshoremen," Vol. 17, The Practical Lawyer 73, May 1971
  • "Ship's Liability to Longshoremen Based Upon Unseaworthiness - - Sieracki through Usner," Vol. 32, Louisiana Law Review 19, December 1971
  • "Ship's Liability to Longshoremen Based Upon Unseaworthiness - - Sieracki through Usner," Vol. 1, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 45, October 1971